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Tsunami Risk Assessment in Terms of Building Economic Losses using GIS Tools


flag Greece HL-NTWC, Hellenic National Tsunami Warning Center (Tsunami Service Provider, NEAMTWS/IOC/UNESCO) (Greece)
Activation Date
Conclusion Date
Mrs Ioanna Triantafyllou


Purpose,Objectives and Scope

The service aims to test methodologies for the estimation of the expected damage level and economic losses to buildings due to the tsunami impact. Since such estimations should be reliable for practical implementation, emphasis will be given to test the dependence of the results on the several parameters and assumptions inserted in the method. The objective is to identify the key recommendations (for modelling and input data), to guarantee the usability and the usefulness of the ex-ante loss assessment for disaster risk management, considering aspects of validity and possibility to extend the developed methodology to other European regions. The service will provide detailed explanation of the methodology implemented to extract input for indicators related to the Sendai Framework.


Tasks and Deliverables

Task 1 - Tsunami Scenario Selection- Data Collection.

Identifying the worst case scenario in the study area in terms of tsunami impact and collection of the needed data for the numerical simulation of the impact. The activities will be performed by GIS mapping.
Deliverables Title Type Timing
Tsunami Scenario Selection - Data Collection Data to be sued for the study



Task 2 - Determination of Inundation Zone.

Detecting the inundation zone by a numerical simulation of the tsunami with respect to the identified scenario. The activities will be performed by GIS mapping.
Deliverables Title Type Timing
Determination of Inundation Zone Maps and methodology



Task 3 - Ex-ante Loss Assessment: People Affected and Economic Losses related to damaged buildings.

Performing an ex-ante evaluation of the expected impact in the tsunami inundation zone. The assessment will be performed with respect to the people potentially affected and expected economic losses due to damaged and destroyed buildings.
Deliverables Title Type Timing
Ex-ante Loss Assessment: People Affected and Economic Losses due to damaged buildings. Results and methodology

Task 4 - Results Evaluation -Applicability to other Hazard Types.

Assessing the results with respect to the data needed for the simulations and the uncertainty in the outcomes related to the resolution of the data. Identify the key relevant outcomes for the reproducibility of the methodology.
Deliverables Title Type Timing
Results Evaluation - Applicability to other Hazard Types Results and proposed methodology



Task 5 - Identification of the key recommendations.

The objective is to identify the key recommendations (for modelling and input data), to guarantee the usability and the usefulness of the ex-ante loss assessment for disaster risk management, considering aspects of validity and possibility to extend the developed methodology to other European regions. The report will provide detailed explanation of the methodology implemented to extract input for indicators related to the Sendai Framework.
Deliverables Title Type Timing
D1 Identification of the key recommendations Final Report

