DRMKC - Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre
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10th EU Loss Data Workshop November 2017


6th - 8th November 2017, Brussels, Belgium



This expert meeting is organised to assist Member States in identifying efficient strategies for allowing DRR National Platforms to foster the collection and use of loss data within the country, with special emphasis on delivering the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction Indicators and monitoring its implementation, while strengthening its links with related EU policies.

The objectives of the 10th meeting of the EU expert Working Group on Disaster Damage and Loss Data (DDLD) will aim at bringing together governance and technical issues, including:


  • Involve existing DRR national focal points within MS into the DDLD WG and steer participation from relevant stakeholders on national platforms;
  • Provide additional support and capitalise on the efforts made by National Platforms in loss data activities and in implementing the Sendai Indicators;
  • Explore efficient mechanisms to respond to MS needs in terms of recording procedures and indicator delivery, broadly covering different EU policy requirements and global initiatives – same data serving multiple purposes;
  • Underline the multiple benefits at national level that might be reached by developing a program to collect DDLD in a coordinated manner;
  • Recognise the relevant role of the insurance sector in the collection of DDLD and define inclusive plans considering their prominent role.


  • Sharing experience on operational data collection (assessment and recording at local level, aggregation process, uncertainty measures);
  • Explore different tools and recently developed methods (e.g. economic loss accounting methods, sampling, remote sensing);
  • Compare and where appropriate harmonise different structures of loss databases and their indicators, while covering the minimum requirements for reporting at EU/UN level.




Furthermore, the workshop includes a set of horizontal objectives, namely:

  • Overcome potential obstacles in accomplishing the loss data recording required to comply with the agreed Sendai Framework Indicators;
  • Facilitate the exchange on best practices, progresses and planned activities to achieve such requirements;
  • Share available tools for recording loss data according to EU policies and the Sendai Framework, through the Support Service of the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC);
  • Identify the needs to further develop and support activities in monitoring the implementation of Sendai indicators.

The workshop will gather experts from Member States, Neighbourhood countries and international organisations. The workshop is expected to deliver progress on:

  • Reporting for Sendai Framework: synthesise the approach to Sendai Indicators and other relevant international frameworks;
  • Exploiting DDLD for multiple purposes (Flood Directive, Solidarity Fund, Sustainable Development Goals, Climate Change strategic agenda, Critical Infrastructure Protection legislation, Urban planning policies, etc.);
  • National stakeholder mapping: identify the stakeholders that already collect loss data in the country, possess data relevant to disaster loss database, and are able to share it;
  • Expert Working Group dissemination: contact and link the national authorities responsible for EU and international DRR activities using loss data, and make them familiar with the work of the Loss Data Expert Working Group;
  • Summary progress report: prepare a summary with a special focus on identified Member States needs for implementing the Sendai Indicators.




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DG ECHO Headquarters

Rue Joseph II, 79
Brussels, Belgium