This service aimed to support National Authorities in the process of:
- collecting and recording of disaster loss data
- improving the quality of recorded data to support disaster risk management
Disaster loss databases contain event-based information on human, economic, environmental and cultural losses and support public loss compensation, DRR monitoring, risk modelling and disaster forensics. One purpose of the support provided was to help National Authorities in meeting the minimum requirements for reporting in the context of the three international frameworks: Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change (COP21). At the regional and local levels, this service could enable the development of event-based disaster loss databases and related indicators on exposure, losses and situation of prevention policies.
Expected Outputs
- Technical advice/orientation in the form of a report or recommendations on the use of disaster loss data within disaster risk modelling.
- Technical support in the design and implementation of a loss database.
- Guidance to National Authorities in the implementation of a new disaster loss database.
- Cost-benefit analysis for the development and implementation of a loss database.
- Hazard specific toolkits for loss data collection.
- Assistance in the assessment of economic losses(direct and indirect losses) through economic modelling of disaster impacts.
- Support for the development of indicators based on disaster loss data.