DRMKC - Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre
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Knowledge Synthesis

Banner of Scientific Output


At the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre we’re working to anticipate, respond and support the recovery from disasters such as floods, droughts or wildfires. In a time of (excess of) information, it becomes increasingly important that those capable of making a difference — from policy makers to practitioners, scientists and citizens — get the right information straight from the source (reducing the noise and misunderstandings that often arise) so more lives can be saved and impacts reduced.

At the same time, these disaster events are becoming increasingly frequent and severe and as such, it is crucial that scientists/practitioners know the European Commission tools and software that they can use. Plus, a recent Eurobarometer on “What Europeans think about science and technology” reveals EU citizens (61%) think scientists working in the public sector are the most qualified to explain the impact of scientific and technological developments”. Don’t we own them that?

Science for DRM


    The second of its series represents a collaborative effort on disaster risk, coming from different sectors and disciplines to present the consequences of disasters on various assets at risk.
  • Cross-border and emerging risks in Europe

    Taking stock of previous JRC flagship reports on understanding risks, this report collects the contributions from expert teams across 8 JRC directorates and external partners. This comprehensive assessment leverages historical data and recent scientific advances that address both cross-border risks and emerging risks.


In this video series we aim to create short videos focused on new scientific outputs, about various types of hazards (e.g. wildfires, droughts, floods) or platforms/services/datasets (e.g. the Global Human Settlement Layer, GHSL’s new resolution capabilities or the Risk Data Hub). The idea is to convey key messages on new scientific developments relevant to DRM, in a short, specific, plain language. Each video is designed around the same fundamental questions:

  • How would you explain the impact of the main findings on the life of your friends or family? (interest/proximity)
  • What is the problem/issue that these findings will solve and how? (relevance)
  • How many people will benefit from this new solution to the existing problem and how will this change their life? (impact)
  • Why now? (timeliness)


We hope these videos will turn out useful for inspiring and engaging with other scientists and also for bringing our scientists closer to the European citizens, using their voice and authority to present their findings in a clear, simple language.