DRMKC - Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre
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Flash News from the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre

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A building block of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network's Science Pillar

Dear reader,

In this short Flash News, we are sharing some of the latest news, upcoming events and opportunities in the field of disaster risk management.

The Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network’s newsletter is now out!


In our last newsletter released in December 2022 we would be joining the UCPKN’s newsletter and be responsible for its science section. This year’s first edition is now out and we would like to invite you to subscribe if you have not done it yet. If you have already subscribed please subscribe once again as we had a technical challenge setting up the new structure and we lost some emails.

Drought in South America: new report on La Plata Basin

This report from the Global Drought Observatory operated by the JRC shows that the Parana-La Plata Basin in South America is going through the worst drought since 1944. This region usually enjoys a rainy season from October to April. However, below-average records of rainfall for the past two hydrological years triggered dry conditions across south-eastern Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. A weak South American Monsoon exacerbated the situation further.

Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC): a collaborative approach to foster resilience

We published a new paper showing the role of this knowledge centre and the approaches we have been following to put together different European Commission services, EU countries and the disaster risk community in an attempt to create science that allows everyone to better manage disaster risks.

The Global Conflict Risk Index (GCRI): a new report unveils the data and methods behind the conflict risk model

GCRI provides an accessible, objective and open-source evidence base to support the EU’s conflict prevention capacities and decision-making on long-term conflict risks. This report introduces the revised Global Conflict Risk Index and shows its latest changes and improvements.

Upcoming workshop on Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring: 8-9 February

The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) is organising an online workshop focused on the recent advances in global flood forecasting and monitoring. It will include sessions ranging from the new developments to the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) and the Global Flood Monitoring (GFM) products, to data access, use cases and applications, and open panel discussions.

The DRMKC is hiring a Data scientist

We are recruiting a Data scientist for the DRMKC support to the Science pillars of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network. S/he will contribute to the assessment of the data and science landscape for different phases of disaster risk management. Submit your application before the 31st of January! Stay tuned as more opportunities for joining the DRMKC will be published soon.

Code: 2023-IPR-E1-FGIV-022308 - ISPRA FG IV - Programme Officer - Data scientist for the DRMKC support to the Science pillars of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network


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