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Flash News from the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre


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Effective handling of crises relies on robust disaster management, which necessitates the availability of dependable data to foresee and oversee calamities for the EU and its partners. This DRMKC Flash News depicts how the Joint Research Centre (JRC) plays a pivotal role in bolstering the EU's preparedness and response to disasters by providing essential data, reports, and interactive dashboards. Some of these can be explored below, such as the newly released vulnerability report and dashboard of the Risk Data Hub, the INFORM Annual Report, the European Settlement Map 2018 and the drought report.

Furthermore, we are delighted to announce the upcoming 7th DRMKC Annual Seminar scheduled for November 21. The seminar's sessions will be dedicated to translating knowledge into action and devising a strategic plan for enhancing disaster resilience. We cordially invite you to discover more about this event by following this link.

Happy reading!

Main Highlights
Saving as many lives as possible: science for Disaster Risk Management in the EU

This article shows how JRC supports the EU's disaster response, prioritizing life-saving measures, and infrastructure protection. The JRC’s geologists, meteorologists, hydrologists, among other scientists, have been trying to answer questions like: what can we do to anticipate damage and minimise its impact? Where is help (most) needed? This article presents some tools and resources developed by JRC.

New Tool Measures Vulnerability to Disasters in Europe

A new tool has been developed to measure disaster vulnerability in Europe, offering insights at different administrative levels By considering social, economic, political, and environmental factors, this tool can provide decision-makers with essential information for prioritizing risk reduction measures and support resilience-building efforts.

The INFORM report 2023: understanding global crisis risks and key priorities

The INFORM 2023 report shows increased global crisis risk over the past decade. Decision-makers can use the report's insights – based on the INFORM suite of tools designed to provide disaster risk data - to plan effective strategies in climate mitigation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction, or sustainable development.

New report highlights varying drought conditions across Europe

Europe faces varied drought conditions, according to a European Commission report. Southern Europe is recovering from a long drought, but the Iberian Peninsula remains in an "alert" state due to insufficient rain and heatwaves. New droughts are emerging in the north, affecting crop growth.

An innovative dataset and method to map changes in built-up areas

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) has launched a new release of the European Settlements Map (ESM) with a new methodology covering a spatial resolution of 2 meters for EEA-39 countries that provides detailed insights for urban planning and sustainable growth by analysing changes in built-up areas.

Additional Resources
Towards an integrated approach to wildfire risk assessment: when, where, what and how landscapes burn

This paper reviews wildfire risk assessment concepts, including fire ignition, propagation, exposure, and vulnerability. It discusses their integration with mitigation efforts, reviews global operational fire risk systems, and proposes an integrated system under the FirEUrisk project.

Climate change and EU defence: released a new report analysing the links between climate, energy and defence

This report explores the interplay between climate change, energy, and defence. It underscores the need for EU defence to adapt to climate threats and enhance its resilience while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Assessing risks and enabling transitions: a city perspective on the challenges of achieving climate neutrality in Europe

First-of-its-kind risk analysis based on cities' experiences and inputs reveals gaps in understanding the risks of moving towards zero emissions targets. Provides insights for EU policymakers to design precautions, policies, support services, and an inclusive environment for zero-emission futures. Highlights the need for more research on non-technological aspects.

New report shows the potential impact of climate change on flood risk in Europe, with a focus on the insurance industry

There’s a new study conducted under the European Union's PESETA IV project looking at the potential impact of climate change on river flooding and related damage across Europe. Using statistical modelling to predict changes in flood damage, the study and its freely available datasets help insurance companies to better assess the financial impacts of flood risk and therefore to adjust their risk models.

Identification of vulnerable EU regions considering asbestos presence and seismic risk

Some EU buildings are old, energy-inefficient and contain asbestos, posing health and security risks. This report’s findings can help policy-makers prioritize regions that can benefit from a deep renovation to ensure safe and healthy indoor environments besides reduced energy consumption.


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