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Recommendations for National Risk Assessment for Disaster Risk Management in EU

Version 1

This report is the second in the series of reports “Recommendations for National Risk Assessment for Disaster Risk Management in EU”. It is a key activity of the EC Disaster Risk Management Centre to join national, regional and global efforts to acquire better risk governance structure through evidences, science and knowledge management.

The aim of this report is to support the use of the new “Reporting Guidelines on Disaster Risk Management, Art. 6(1)d of Decision No.1313/2013/EU,” (2019/C 428/07) by relevant national authorities. This report explains the purpose and objective of each step of the reporting to give meaning and motivation to demanding risk governance processes at the national level and beyond. Union Civil Protection Mechanism Decision No 1313/2013/EUrequires EU Member States and UCPM participating states to report to the Commission on their disaster risk management activities to support formulating an EU risk management policy that would complement and enhance the national ones.

Furthermore, the aim of this series of reports is to build-up a network of experts involved in the different aspects of the national risk assessment process. This version is an outcome of collaboration of 50 scientists from 14 different expert teams. They prepared short step by step description of disaster risk assessment approaches specific for risks of different origins in the context of a national risk assessment exercise and addressed national risk assessment capability to be further developed in order to bring the evidence to next level. A special focus is dedicated to capability needed to tackle climate change. The risks covered are of natural, anthropogenic and socio-natural origin: floods, droughts, wildfires, biodiversity loss, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, biological disasters, Natech accidents, chemical accidents, nuclear accidents, terrorist attacks, critical infrastructure disruptions, cybersecurity and hybrid threats.

Version 0 of this series was focused mainly on how to do national risk assessment from the scientific perspective to provide enough evidences to risk managers for better understanding and, hence, managing risk. In Version 1, the focus is on risk governance that facilitates policy cycle for the implementation of integrated disaster risk management. Risk assessment is positioned at the heart of that policy cycle and provides evidence for DRM planning and the implementation of prevention and preparedness measures. This perspective highlights the imperative need for policy-makers, practitioners and scientists to work hand-in-hand towards a more resilient, and hence sustainable, future.


Recommendations for National Risk Assessment for Disaster Risk Management in EU - Version 1 Executive summary
(651 Kb - PDF)


Recommendations for National Risk Assessment for Disaster Risk Management in EU - Version 1 Full text
(8.85 Mb - PDF)



Version 0

The Disaster Risk Management Centre has produced in the collaboration with more than 20 scientists the Science for Policy Report titled "Recommendations for National Risk Assessment for Disaster Risk Management in EU: Approaches for identifying, analysing and evaluating risks, Version 0".

This Science for Policy report aims to provide scientific support to the Union Civil Protection Mechanism Participating States and national authorities in charge of the preparation of National Risk Assessment process.

Decision No 1313/2013/EU on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) calls Participating States to develop risk assessments periodically and make the summary of their National Risk Assessment (NRA) available to the European Commission as a way to prevent disaster risk in Europe. Despite availability of common guidelines, a variety of different assessment methodologies and processes exist across EU countries. The variety of results make difficult its comparison and replication to identify common risks and coordinate strategies and resources to face them.

This Science for Policy Report contributes to common understanding on what risk is and how to quantify it for different hazards. This Science for Policy Report collects the instructions for robust and usable approaches for the risk assessment process in the context of National Risk Assessment and to inform Disaster Risk Management planning. Nine Joint Research Centre expert groups provided their insight on tools and methods for specific risk assessment related to certain hazards and assets: drought, earthquakes, floods, terrorist attacks, biological disasters, critical infrastructures, chemical accidents, nuclear accidents and Natech accidents.

The overall aim is to maximize the national capacity of a country in achieving the objectives National Risk Assessment process. NRAs should define the relative importance of different risks (potential impacts) in the country as well as identify disaster risk drivers to address a range of measure to reduce risk.


Recommendations for National Risk Assessment for Disaster Risk Management in EU - Version 0
(5.3 MB - PDF)


Background information