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Porting of Field Reporting Tool JRC APP to Android


5List (1 item)4
flag Italy Ministrero dell' Interno, Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco del Soccorso Pubblico e delle Difesa Civile
Activation Date
Conclusion Date
Alessandro Appeddu (Italy)


Purpose,Objectives and Scope

In May 2016 the joint Research Centre of the European Commission, through the former Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen, signed an agreement with the Ministero Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco del Soccorso Pubblico e della Difesa Civile, having between others, the objective to obtain the scientific data needed to understand better the process involving the management of the crisis information from the first notification to the first-hand observation and then to the resolution.

To this aim, the JRC has been providing, on the basis of an End-User License Agreement, the graphical map component Field Reporting Tool, hence forward FRT, together with complementary tools and documentation. On the other hand, the Italian Fire Corps will make this development available to the member states to evaluate its functionalities and its possible use by other entities. Said graphical map component FRT has been developed and tested on Windows 10 platform. Such choice proved valuable in saving iteration time between the different phases of development and testing.

However, the penetration of Windows 10 into the mobile market is limited, while more than 60% of the mobile terminals worldwide run on Android. For this very reason, porting FRT to Android will ensure a significant step forward in reaching the stated objectives. On the server side, interoperability services will be implemented. In particular, each event will be automatically converted into a CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) alert to be sent to the CAP Router for further distribution on the basis or applicable rules and agreements.


Tasks and Deliverables

Task 1 - Analyse the newest available version of the FRT application to extract requirements, functionalities and data structures. Analyse the widest possible range of the available software design tools able to write the software code using a development environment which could allow producing a functioning application running over I0S as well as over WIN10 and Android and maintained thereof.

Deliverables Title Type Timing
D1.1 Analysis of the FRT application to extract requirements, functionalities and data structures and of the available software design tools able to write the software code into a meta-language. Report

Task 2 - Design a common architecture able to allow a fluid interaction between FRT applications running over different operating systems, namely WIN 10, 10S and Android. Such design will have to ensure consistent interfaces and functionalities notwithstanding the operating system in use.

Deliverables Title Type Timing
D2.1 Design an architecture to allow interactions between FRT running over WIN10,IOS and Android. Report

Task 3 – Implementation of the above-described software architecture into an application running on Android, able to provide a user experience similar, if not identical to the one experienced using the WIN 10-based application.

Deliverables Title Type Timing
D3.1 Implementation into an application running on IOS Report

Task 4 – Writing of detailed manuals for users and system administrators. Such manuals will allow the users and the system administrators to use and configure said application even when no specific training courses were delivered.

Deliverables Title Type Timing
D4.1 Writing of manuals for users and system administrators. Final report

User Manual

Technical Specification
