The EC Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) in collaboration with DG ECHO is organizing a virtual training session on the Risk Data Hub on the 15th of June.
The aim of the training is to familiarize the different stakeholders with the functionalities available in the Risk Data Hub. The purpose is to train the users on how to best exploit the data and information available in the platform in order to meet risk management related obligations agreed under the UCPM , the Sendai Framework reporting as well as the SDGs: e.g. Disaster Loss Databases, National Risk Assessment , Risk Management Plans, Sendai Framework and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that are related to disaster risk reduction.
The training event is open to local, national authorities involved in National Risk Assessments, the institutions dealing with financial risk and disaster impacts on the financial sector, the technical staff in local /national authorities responsible for the collection and recording of disaster loss data.
Participants are expected to have basic understanding of Risk Assessment methods and concepts, experience in dealing with geospatial data and with Geographic Information Systems , basic knowledge of statistics.