
INFORM Covid-19

COVID-19 emergency has shown the adaptability of the whole INFORM suite to the partner’s needs and the integration of new in-coming knowledge:

  • INFORM RISK Index has been made more specific to COVID-19 risk and INFORM COVID-19 Risk Index has been developed.
  • INFORM WARNING development is in its early stages. The development of INFORM COVID-19 WARNING acts as an accelerated and conceptually ring-fenced case study that can contribute to the future development of a broader INFORM WARNING product.

INFORM SEVERITY Index is able to measure the severity of COVID-19 induced humanitarian crises.

INFORM COVID-19 Risk Index

The INFORM COVID-19 Risk Index is an experimental adaptation of the INFORM Epidemic Risk Index and aims to identify: “countries at risk from health and humanitarian impacts of COVID-19 that could overwhelm current national response capacity, and therefore lead to a need for additional international assistance”. It can be used to support prioritization of preparedness and early response actions for the primary impacts of the pandemic, and identify countries where secondary impacts are likely to have the most critical humanitarian consequences. The main scope of the INFORM COVID-19 Risk Index is global and regional risk-informed resource allocation, i.e. where comparable understanding of countries’ risk is important. It cannot predict the impacts of the pandemic in individual countries.

INFORM COVID-19 Risk Index
(1.3 MB - XLSX)
INFORM COVID-19 Risk Index
(1.1 MB - PDF)


JRC in collaboration with UN OCHA has developed a tool that can help identify, monitor and anticipate where COVID-19 could compound existing risks to cause new, or exacerbate existing, humanitarian crises. The INFORM COVID-19 WARNING aims to provide analysis that can be used to support decisions on preparedness and anticipatory action to mitigate the direct and indirect humanitarian impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose is to provide a more dynamic and up-to-date picture of how the pandemic is evolving and how it interacts with other hazards, vulnerabilities and coping capacities to affect crisis risk.