
Results and data

INFORM Risk results are open and available in many formats. The Excel sheet contains all the source data and the calculation steps for functional levels, categories and dimensions.


INFORM Risk Index 2025
(2.1 MB - XLSX)
INFORM Trend 2015 - 2024
(16.2 MB - XLSX)

Results interpretation

The overall INFORM risk index identifies countries at risk from humanitarian crises and disasters that could overwhelm national response capacity. It is made up of three dimensions - hazards and exposure, vulnerability and lack of coping capacity. This map shows the risk for all the countries.

INFORM Risk - 2020

Prioritising using risk level and trends

The INFORM Risk Index can be used to group countries based on their current level of risk and the trend over previous years. For example, large increases in countries already with high levels of risk could be used to prioritise them for increased crisis and disaster prevention, preparedness and response.

INFORM Risk - Trend matrix 2020

Table ranking

    To refresh the table, please click the desired node of the indicator tree.