

INFORM subnational model of Georgia

The subnational INFORM model for Caucasus and Central Asia was initiated by the Regional Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Task Force for Caucasus and Central Asia and developed by OCHA. The first INFORM risk index results were published in July 2017. In 2021 the INFORM model was updated by the Center on Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reductions (CESDRR) in collaboration with UNDRR Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia and with financial support from USAID BHA. Starting from 2022, South Caucasus 3 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) were separated from the Central Asia INFORM subnational model and developed by UNDRR Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia with financial support from USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistane. The 2022 INFORM model for South Caucasus was developed based on CCA 2021 model with adaptation to the subregional context and revision of risk index calculations.
The INFORM model is being used to support coordinated preparedness actions. Partners hope to use the model to improve cooperation between humanitarian and development actors in managing risk and building resilience across the region. This is a third INFORM Subnational Risk Index for South Caucasus update, covering three sub-models, one for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia each. INFORM identifies areas at a high risk of humanitarian crisis that are more likely to require international assistance. The INFORM model is based on risk concepts published in scientific literature and envisages three dimensions of risk: Hazards & Exposure, Vulnerability and Lack of Coping Capacity. The INFORM model is split into different levels to provide a quick overview of the underlying factors leading to humanitarian risk.
The INFORM index supports a proactive crisis management framework. It will be helpful for an objective allocation of resources for disaster risk reduction, management as well as for coordinated actions focused on anticipating, mitigating, and preparing for humanitarian emergencies.
Subnational - Georgia


INFORM Risk results are open and available in many formats. The Excel sheet contains all the source data and the calculation steps for functional levels, categories and dimensions.

INFORM Gerogia 2024
(520 KB - XLS - June 2024)