DRMKC - Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre
Meta info

Disaster Loss and Damage Working Group


Type of network: experts and practitioners
Participation: open to loss database owners and curators from EU Member States and international organisations
Established: 2013
Activities: two meetings per year; contribution to Sendai Open-Ended Expert Working Group on Terminology and Indicators
Contact: Tom De Groeve (JRC)
Objective in DRMKC: link with loss and damage initiatives in climate change and sustainable development; host and share Member State data; contribute to implementation of Sendai requirements; link with expert group on national risk assessments

Aim and background

The Union Civil ProtectionMechanism is paving the way for more resilient communities by including key actions related to disaster prevention such as developing national risk assessments and the refinement of risk management planning. See MoreSee Less

Key publications

Loss_Database_Architecture_for_Disaster_Risk_Management Loss Database Architecture for Disaster Risk Management, by RIOS DIAZ Francisco; MARIN FERRER Montserrat; (2018). NEW doi:10.2760/647488, http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC110489


Mapping_of_risk_web-platforms_and_risk_data Mapping of risk web-platforms and risk data: collection of good practices, by ANTOFIE Tiberiu-Eugen; DOHERTY Brian; MARIN FERRER Montserrat; (2018). NEW doi:10.2760/93157, http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC109146


Disaster_damage_and_loss_data_for_policy Disaster Damages and Loss Data for Policy: Pre- and Post-event damage assessment and collection of Data for Evidence-based policies, DO O PINTO ALHO Afonso; MARIN FERRER Montserrat; POLJANSEK Karmen; CASAJUS VALLES Ainara; (2018). NEW doi:10.2760/840421, http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC110366


GuidanceForRecordingAndSharingDisasterGuidance for Recording and Sharing Disaster Damage and Loss Data: Towards the development of operational indicators to translate the Sendai Framework into action, by DE GROEVE Tom; CORBANE Christina; EHRLICH Daniele (2015). doi:10.2788/186107, http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC95505


CurrentStatusAndBestPracticesCurrent status and Best Practices for Disaster Loss Data recording in EU Member States: A comprehensive overview of current practice in the EU Member States, by DE GROEVE Tom; POLJANSEK Karmen; EHRLICH Daniele; CORBANE Christina (2014). doi:10.2788/18330 , http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC92290


RecordingDisasterLossesRecording Disaster Losses: Recommendations for a European approach, by DE GROEVE Tom; POLJANSEK Karmen; EHRLICH Daniele (2013). doi:10.2788/98653 (online), http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC83743


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